Entries by kgugala

04.01.2021 – Report on the study visit

From 12 to 16 October 2020, the representatives of Caritas Polska held a study visit in Rome. The aim of the trip was to gather information, share experiences and good practices with institutions that have been involved in helping migrants and refugees in Italy for many years. The leading theme of the visit was the […]

27.11.2020 – Foreigners in Poland. Handbook for the personnel working with immigrants

We invite you to read the book “Foreigners in Poland. A handbook for the personnel working with immigrants (Cudzoziemcy w Polsce. Podręcznik dla kadry pracującej z imigrantami)”, which was prepared within the framework of the project. One of the aims of the project is to provide comprehensive integration services for third-country nationals in the voivodeship, […]

26.10.2020 – Invitation to listen to the broadcast (No. 17) – discussion on migration with Mrs Agnieszka Kosowicz

Мы приглашаем вас прослушать радиопередачу, которая вышла в эфир Радио «Эммаус» 21.10.2020 г. Передача прошла под лозунгом «Я был пришельцем, но вы приняли меня». Migration is as old as humanity. It is a human experience since the dawn of time. Poland, too, has had many experiences over the years, both as a country receiving migrants, but […]

19.10.2020 – Invitation to listen to the broadcast (No 16) – second part of the interview with Professor Thuat Nguyen Chi

We invite you to listen to the radio broadcast which was aired on Radio Emaus on 07/10/2020. The broadcast was conducted under the motto ‘Because I was a stranger, and you welcomed me’. The broadcast features the second part of the interview with the author of translations of Polish literature into Vietnamese – Professor Thuat […]

30.09.2020 – Invitation to listen to the broadcast (no. 15) – interview with the author of translations of Polish literature into Vietnamese

We invite you to listen to the radio broadcast which was aired on Radio Emaus on 23/09/2020. The broadcast was conducted under the motto ‘Because I was a stranger, and you welcomed me’. The broadcast includes an interview with Thuat Nguyen Chi, a Vietnamese professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University and author of translations into […]

21.09.2020 – Stereotypes, prejudices and ethnocentrism

As it was previously mentioned, in 2016, “Forbes” published the list of the ten most desirable competencies on the labor market, among which was the ability to work in multicultural environment. Despite growing awareness of intercultural differences, various kinds of communication problems with people from other cultures often arise. One of the most frequently mentioned […]