The way people perceive time and space is also culturally determined. Nowadays, in Western cultures, time is precisely measured with clocks, we have the impression that it is moving forward. We distinguish between past, present and future. Time can also be cyclic, which means that its main feature is the repetitiveness resulting for example from […] 16:18:152020-07-20 08:08:3103.08.2020 – Cultural differences related to the understanding of time and space
We kindly would like to inform you that, on 31/07/2020, a free information meeting will be held for employers who employ employees and are interested in employing foreigners and for migrants already working in Poland. At the meeting, legal aspects related to the Polish labour market for foreigners will be presented, as well as project […] 16:08:022020-07-23 11:11:4324.07.2020 – Meeting with employers and foreigners working in Poland
Dimensions (features) of a culture are measurable aspects of phenomena, which determine important elements of national culture and allow to determine its position in relation to other cultures. Masculinity and femininity dimension illustrates the relationship between men and women due to their social and gender roles and the importance attributed to them. This dimension examines […] 16:18:192020-07-09 14:37:2521.07.2020 – Female and male societies
03.08.2020 – Cultural differences related to the understanding of time and space
/in Bez kategorii /by kgugalaThe way people perceive time and space is also culturally determined. Nowadays, in Western cultures, time is precisely measured with clocks, we have the impression that it is moving forward. We distinguish between past, present and future. Time can also be cyclic, which means that its main feature is the repetitiveness resulting for example from […]
24.07.2020 – Meeting with employers and foreigners working in Poland
/in Bez kategorii /by kgugalaWe kindly would like to inform you that, on 31/07/2020, a free information meeting will be held for employers who employ employees and are interested in employing foreigners and for migrants already working in Poland. At the meeting, legal aspects related to the Polish labour market for foreigners will be presented, as well as project […]
21.07.2020 – Female and male societies
/in Bez kategorii /by kgugalaDimensions (features) of a culture are measurable aspects of phenomena, which determine important elements of national culture and allow to determine its position in relation to other cultures. Masculinity and femininity dimension illustrates the relationship between men and women due to their social and gender roles and the importance attributed to them. This dimension examines […]