26.05.2021 – Radio broadcast (no. 30) on seasonal work and work on the basis of a declaration on the assignment of work to foreigners
We invite you to listen to a radio programme which was broadcast on Radio Emmaus on 19/05/2021. The broadcast was realised under the title ” I was a stranger and you welcomed me”.
In the last broadcast, we invited Ms Sylwia Kropacz, a specialist for records and settlements in the District Employment Office in Poznań. The interview dealt with seasonal work and work on the basis of a statement on the intention to entrust work to a foreigner. A simplified procedure for legalization of work on the basis of the statement on the intention to entrust work is a big facilitation for employers looking for workforce among foreigners from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia or Ukraine. Such a statement should be submitted to the poviat labour office. This is also where one should go when legalising the work of migrants in seasonal sectors, which was discussed by Ms Sylwia Kropacz from the District Labour Office in Poznań.
We invite you to listen to the radio broadcast: